woensdag 31 juli 2013

London Trip!!

I know.. I should be uploading more blogposts. But last week I went on holiday. Together with my parents, 2 sisters and little brother.
I went to London! And I can tell already, I will go back there. I just don't know when. Lets hope it will be soon! :)

I'm not gonna talk you through every single day. I'm gonna briefly say what we've done.

The first day we decided to just visit the area around our hotel. Which was just next to Hyde Park.

It's the most amazing park I've ever seen and you could actually see that people enjoyed the park. A place where you were able to rest but still find things like art or beautiful sights!

We also visited the British Museum. That day weather supossed to be terrible, but turns out weather was wonderful! But besides that, it was an amazing museum. I normally don't like to visit those, but every time area got a room. And so everyone can find something they are interested in! We also found Trafalgar square. Which is big and has (funny  to see) a lot of entertainment. It was really impressing!
But the best thing that same day, to me, was the National Portrait Gallery! There is a Tudor Room, which I am super interested in.
And I can tell you, the Tudor Room itself was amazing! But the other portaits to! In total this is a museum you have to visit!

We also did one day, full of sightseeing; Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, changing of the guard (Buckingham Palace), etc.
 We've been watching changing on the guards. I saw them right next to me.
My brother: 'so cool'
All are really quit impressing but it's all way to busy!

My personal favorite building to see: The Tower.
All because of the Tudor dynasty.  It was so nice to see, even knowing it's a horrid place. Such a shame that I couldn't go in there. I really wanted to visit it, to see what you could find in there. Not outside the walls!

I will finish of with my favorite day, shopping!
My parents and I made the deal with me that I can shop for on whole day on Oxford Street. (on this matter I will post another blog)
Ofcourse I had to go in Primark. Aswell as Superdrug, to satisfy my make up addiction. And Boots to satisfy my Skittles addiction.

In total, this was an amazing journey! And I don't think I visited something that I totally didn't like!
I will be back there!

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